Cupping | 30 minutes | $30

Therapeutic Cupping, Facial Cupping, or Cellulite Cupping

Gua Sha | 30 minutes | $30

Therapeutic Gua Sha


Cupping and Gua Sha are powerful Traditional Chinese Medicine bodywork techniques that are simply amazing for:

  • Relieving pain (chronic, new, and unexplained)
  • Breaking up scar tissue and adhesions
  • Increasing range of motion
  • Healing injuries from a week to a decade old
  • Anti-aging benefits and improvement in the appearance of cellulite

Cupping is a method that applies suction to a small area of the body to release energy and toxins trapped deep within the tissues. Although cupping is an ancient technique that was originally practiced with the use of fire and glass cups, I utilize the most modern cupping equipment: Hand pumped vacuum suction, and cups made of medical grade shatterproof plastic. For facial cupping I use small silicone cups that provide gentle suction, and do not leave marks. My cups are always sterilized between clients.

Gua Sha uses a ceramic soup spoon (or other similarly shaped tool) to gently scrape  the surface of the skin to release trapped energy and toxins in the fascia and muscles. It is not painful. Most people really enjoy the sensation. My Gua Sha spoons are always sterilized between clients.

Cupping and Gua Sha are not painful, but do leave marks.

Both of these therapies pull “Sha” from your tissues. The “Sha” is the trapped energy (you could think of it as tension or resistance) and toxins that get released. Whenever there is sha present in the body, the spoon and cups pull it out through the skin, and a red mark appears. These marks can last from 24 hours in light cases to two weeks in cases where there is a lot of Sha to be released. The red mark comes from blood rushing to the surface of the skin, and is called petechiae.

Cupping and Gua Sha are not for:

  • Persons with severe kidney, heart, or liver disease
  • Persons with blood disorders such as an inability to clot or excessive bruising
  • Persons with ascites or severe edema
  • Persons with Leukemia
  • Persons who are currently undergoing chemo or radiation treatments
  • Persons who are pregnant
  • Persons who are currently taking blood thinners

Preparing for your treatment session:

  • Cupping cannot be performed over body hair, as the hair prevents the cups from maintaining suction. You can shave your treatment area before your appointment if needed. But don’t worry! I’ll have a shaver on hand just in case.
  • If it is cold or windy out, you may want to bring adequate clothing to protect yourself after your appointment. The cold and wind can cause your tissues to tighten back up, and you won’t get the full benefit of the treatment.
  • Schedule your appointment for a time when you can take the rest of the day off from strenuous activity. Rest after Cupping or Gua Sha is best.
  • Plan to not shower, bathe, or swim for the 5 hours following your treatment session. This will allow your pores time to close, and ensure that you get the full benefit of the treatment.